trust LAB
trustLAB takes a multidisciplinary approach to exploring trust within and between people, organizations and technology. Our collective goal is to support and develop collaborative research that advances academic and industry understanding of trust. We draw on social science disciplines including psychology, sociology, organisational behaviour and management information systems to consider issues relevant to the development, violation and repair of trust across a range of industry settings. Ongoing projects in our lab include a focus on stakeholder trust in disruptive technologies, such as artificial intelligence and cloud computing, the influence of trust breaches, organisational policy and technology introduction on trust in organisations, strategies for influencing trust in organisational and government leadership, and understanding the factors driving change in trust over time across a variety contexts.

Dr. Lisa van der Werff
Lead, Co-Director & Associate Professor in Organisational Psychology

Penny Coughlan

Dr. Orla Feeney
Associate Professor in Accounting

Dr. Grace Fox

Professor Yseult Freeney
Research Director & Professor of Organisational Psychology

Professor Claire Gubbins
LInK Lab Lead, Professor in Organisational Behaviour & HRM

Niamh Kavanagh
PhD Student

Sian Kelly
PhD Student

Dr. Jennifer Kennedy
Postdoctoral Researcher

Professor Theo Lynn
DES Lab Lead, Co-Director & Full Professor of Digital Business

Dr. Brid Murphy
Associate Professor in Accounting

Dr. Colette Real
Assistant Professor in Entrepreneurship

Dr. Xuchang Zheng
Associate Members

Christopher Barhorst
Researcher, University of Glasgow

Anna-Marie Bertram
PhD Student, University of Basel

Niamh Daly
PhD Student, University of Queensland

Sarah Kennedy
Part-time Lecturer, Marketing

Dr. Cassandra Lippert
Postgraduate Researcher, University of Glasgow

Akanksha Lohmore
Technological University of Dublin

Dr. Valerie Lyons
COO BH Consulting

Berni Naughton
Athlone Institute of Technology

Professor Rosalind Searle
Professor in HRM & Organisational Psychology, University of Glasgow500

Dr. Junyi Xiao
Postgraduate Researcher